
New Haven, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Beinecke MS 525_1.pngThe four Yale faculty projects will utilize the Canvas Viewer/Mirador for image comparison and lightweight annotation. This tool, developed by Stanford University as part of a companion grant for Digital Manuscript Interoperability funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, is an image viewer designed for the study of manuscripts.

Researchers can select and view multiple pages from one or more manuscripts and study high-resolution images side-by-side using zooming and panning tools. Researchers can also display and compare various images of the same page, such as multispectral bands. The tool also supports the ability to view images with annotations, including transcriptions. 

The Image Study Service was developed by ASD (formerly YDC2) with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon foundation. The Image Study Service is accessed via a web interface and represents the back-end support for serving and storing access controlled annotations via an application programming interface (API). Note that access to the Image Study Service and project annotations is currently restricted to named project participants. 

Several manuscript repositories have cooperated with the Digitally Enabled Scholarship with Medieval Manuscripts project and have generously permitted the download of existing images and/or have digitized manuscripts for the project. Some manuscripts also have selected folios that have been multi-spectrally imaged. Any applicable rights metadata is displayed with the manuscript along with a link that describes the license or rights statement under which the manuscript is being used.

Visit this page to learn more about the Image Study Service.