
A Literary History of the English Book of Hours

Jessica Brantley

Professor Brantley is working with a list of 800 Books of Hours to determine their suitability for her study. She will require digital images of approximately thirty of the earliest and most important manuscripts, tools for annotating the images and for comparing key visual elements of the page layout, and assistance in database management of a large number of files.


Creating English Literature, ca. 1385-ca. 1425: inks, pigments and the textual canon 

Barbara ShailorAlastair MinnisArdis Butterfield 

Professor Minnis and Professor Butterfield will be engaged in interpreting data produced by the hyperspectral imaging of inks and pigments used in Middle English manuscripts; the methodology will be based on protocols developed by Professor Rushmeier (see below). An external Advisory Committee will ensure that the manuscripts selected for imaging are the most significant for this study and will also ensure an intellectually rigorous approach to interpretation throughout the study. Communication among members of the Committee will be both in face-to-face meetings and through digital interaction


Studying the Book of Hours: Creating Tools for Scholars and Evaluating Manuscript Digitization

Holly Rushmeier


Editions of the first and second recensions of Gratian’s Decretum 

Anders Winroth

Professor Winroth is producing major editions (each with commentary, apparatus criticus, and translation) of massive medieval canon law texts. Digital tools will expedite his ability to annotate and edit on-screen multiple images of the critical manuscripts, and to share these digital images and annotations with other scholars and students internationally

Project Website